My Photography Corner

Here I’ll be adding the pics that I click during my adventure trips. I’m not a professional, but I try my best to take some good shots with my not-so-good smartphone. Lol, Can’t afford a DSLR, but I hope you like them.

My First Auto-Show

Visited a mall near my location to checkout the newly launched motorbikes by various brands like KTM, Triump, BMW, Royal Enfield, etc.. Following are my shots from that experience-

Flower Gallery

Nature is what protect us, Nature is what nurture us. Look carefully around you, there are plenty of amazing things scattered in every direction. Some flowers that caught my attention-

An Endless-Journey

My journey is an endless tale of exciting adventures and experiences. I can’t even begin to describe. I plan to continue on my path to explore myself and discover the beauty of this world with my own eyes.